


The College has continued to work on facility development to a point where it now boasts some of the best in the State. Harrison Hall, a 250 seat theatre, is home to the College’s developing Performing Arts program. The theatre was refurbished within a joint use agreement with the Swan Hill Rural City Council and hosts many and varied cultural performances.

Modern technology facilities including an Automotive workshop and a Building & Construction workshop house a variety of equipment and resources to enhance all technology classes and our extensive VET certificate program.

The Colleges outstanding Library Resource Centre provides a comprehensive collection of electronic and paper based information. It is home to laboratories of desktops for specific class work and also provides quiet reading zones, selected research zones and open class areas. The Resource centre also supports the 1:1 netbook program with ready charged devices for loan to students who for various reasons do not have their own.

The College benefited from the Commonwealth BER program with the addition of an excellent Science Centre. This building is modern and bright and as well as providing a home to senior science classes it also houses the Senior Sub School management team and the year 12 common room and study zones.

The College has added to its existing sporting facilities with the installation of brand new, outdoor gym equipment.  This gives students the option to use the equipment in their own time, boosting their health and general well-being.  The College has extensive sporting arenas and facilities including another joint use project with the Swan Hill City Council the Swan Hill Leisure Centre. The College enjoys use of the stadium throughout the school day and the opportunity to use the indoor heated pool when required. The College also makes use of Swan Hill’s excellent community sporting venues like the Lawn Tennis Club, Murray Downs golf course, Alan Garden Reserve, Swan Hill Showgrounds and Ken Harrison Reserve.

Our Learning Centre provides opportunities for team teaching and for implementing a range of technology across the curriculum. This centre is heavily used as a venue to develop new teaching methodologies and develop transition strategies with primary schools.