FLO – Flexible Learning Options



The Flexible Learning Options Program was established by Swan Hill College with the support of community stakeholders, to provide a more flexible approach to supporting young people at risk of disengaging from learning. An alternate setting located at the southern entrance to the town has been established and although students are enrolled at Swan Hill College they attend the FLO Campus.

The program was designed as a pilot to develop and test education alternatives and to shape what could be a sustainable program. A feasibility study was commissioned in 2013 and the findings supported the continuation of the program.


Program Objectives

FLO is a select entry program with all students requiring a referral for enrolment. The program aims to provide individual learning and transition plans for students based on a case management model. This also involves providing students with a range of support services through links with program partners, government agencies and community organisations in order to:

  • Increase student retention
  • Increase literacy and numeracy outcomes for targeted students
  • Improve attendance and consistency of attendance for targeted students
  • Improve transition to employment and further education, including Koorie and non Koorie students
  • Improve and sustain partnerships within the community

FLO will help students to work through any underlying issues in their lives through personalised case management and provision of opportunities for students to engage in meaningful learning. Courses are accredited and can lead to further training and employment.



The majority of students are enrolled in a VCAL program and undertake vocational training. Each student has an individual learning plan which builds on their interests, career pathways plan and individual needs. Training may be outsourced to other providers and some students may elect to continue with some of their subjects at Swan Hill College. The major focus of the curriculum is literacy and numeracy, often delivered through integrated projects.



Enrolments have steadily increased since the commencement of the program. Students wishing to enrol in the program undertake a series of interviews and meet with FLO staff to ascertain their suitability for the program. Behavioural issues are not the criteria for transferring students to FLO. Generally a referral will be made by a Year Level Manager, Well Being staff member or from an external organisation. This will be followed up with a meeting, an induction session and a visit to the FLO Campus prior to a decision being made as to the suitability of the program for the young person concerned.


Community Stakeholders

Key stakeholders to the project are: