1:1 Computer Program


Swan Hill College supports a 1 to 1 computer device program. That is 1 devise is available for each student to use.

Swan Hill College ICT Department provides technical support for all students and staff with their College ICT approved devices.

We have a full time and part time technicians and an office assistant. There are also opportunities for students to participate in school based traineeships through working part time in the ICT department.

Students commencing in year 7 are allocated a device that they continue to use through to year 10, when they are able to purchase an approved BYO device, which may suit their senior classes. Year 7 devices are purchased under a co-contribution structure so that they may be supported with both the College software and the approved hardware.

Only devices which are approved or supplied by Swan Hill College can be maintained by the ICT department and have Department of Education software loaded.

It is the expectation of Swan Hill College that the students report all issues with their devices to the ICT department and that students use the device for the intended purpose. That is, the device must always be ready, charged, maintained and available to use in furthering their education in compliance with the law.