Victorian Certificate of Education Vocational Major (VCE VM)
Curriculum Overview
Years 7 and 8
Year 9
Year 10
Years 11 and 12
- Instrumental Music
- Study Expectatons
- Learning Pathway
The Victorian Certificate of Education Vocational Major (VCE VM) is a Year 11 and 12 program that is based on practical skills. VCE VM aims to develop skills which help students prepare for further education, training or employment usually through TAFE or Apprenticeship pathways.
VCE VM at Swan Hill College is designed to engage the students in a program that will enable them to become work ready. VCE VM at the Swan Hill College is heavily involved in community based projects and there will be times throughout the year where classes will complete class work offsite.
What subjects make up VCE VM?
VCE VM is made of 5 strands. Four of these, Literacy, Numeracy, Personal Development and Work Related Skills are delivered as an integrated program.
Strand 1 – Literacy
Students must undertake Literacy units covering both Reading & Writing and Oral Skills.
Strand 2 – Numeracy
Students must undertake a Numeracy or Maths subject. This can be either the specific VCE VM Numeracy (practical maths skills) or a VCE Maths subject.
Strand 3 – Personal Development Skills
Students must complete the Personal Development Units. The learning program may include local and community based programs, voluntary work and school structured activities to help develop self confidence, leadership, teamwork and other skills important for life and work. NOTE: Students will be required to attend a leadership camp in both years 11 & 12.
Strand 4 – Work Related Skills
Students’ VCE VM program may include a specific work related skills unit or in some cases, they may be able to take on additional VET program to meet this strand requirement. At least 15 days of Structural Work Placement must be completed by students enrolled in the senior level certificate.
Strand 5 – Industry Specific Skills (Vocational skills / VET program)
Students’ VCCE VM program must include an industry specific subject. This must be a vocational course so can be either a VET in Schools course or a school based apprenticeship/traineeship.